Left: Trump wins - He’s hired! Donald Trump is elected 45th President of the United States in stunning upset.
Celebrities Call for Boycott of People Magazine After Glowing Trump Cover Gets Unveiled.
Right: These 23 Celebrities Said They'll Leave The Country If Trump Wins
Snoop Dogg, Rapper and Actor (After Hillary made the 3 a.m. phone call to Trump and conceded on Nov 9, 2016.)
“Worst day in America 9/11. Second worst day in America 11/9.”
Alec Baldwin, Actor, Donald Trump Impersonator and a jerk who says he doesn't hate Trump.
"The billionaire Republican businessman is close to winning the race and world markets are crashing. He's all yours, America. He's all yours."
Chrissy Teigen, Model
“If your ears are burning, that’s everyone in entire world laughing at us.”
Katy Perry, Singer
Josh Gad, Actor
“I never thought I’d say this, but boy do I miss George W. Bush right now.”
Piers Morgan, Journalist
“#Revenge of The Deplorables.”
Seth MacFarlane, TV producer
“At least pot’s legal.”
Seth MacFarlane recently attempted to explain why his fellow actors, writers, and producers dislike the president-elect so much. He tweeted: “We’ve learned to recognize the blustery showmanship of a lying con man because we encounter it every day in our business.” Source
Kate Hudson
“Projection update: Xanax and Beta Blocker stock has sky rocketed 22%.”
Andy Cohen, Talk Show Host
“Did we just elect a snake oil saleman and his wicked court of terror or is my Ambien kicking in? or both?”
Jordan Peele, Actor
“I refuse to believe Donald Trump was born in this country”.
Bill Maher, Asshost
Liberals "Cried Wolf" About Bush And Romney And We Were Wrong, "Fascist" Trump Is Different.
I gave Obama a million dollars because I was so afraid of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney wouldn’t have changed my life that much or yours, or John McCain. They were honorable men who we disagreed with, and we should have kept it that way. So, we cried wolf, and that was wrong. But this [Octopus Trump] is real. This is going to be way different.”
New York Rep. Steve Israel, one of the Democratic Party's top campaign strategists
"Romney was qualified, but he had the wrong ideas. Trump is unqualified, dangerous and still has the 'right' ideas." - (This is how a fake news can be properly done. All you need to do is changing one word and the truth jumps out.)
Bristol Palin, Reality TV star
“Are you packing your bags? 10 celebs who've vowed to leave if Trump's elected - 'Do you promise?'"
George R.R. Martin, creator of popular TV Drama 'Game of Thrones'
“Winter is coming."
Paris Hilton,Socialite
“#Make America Hot Again.”
1. New York Daily News front cover renames White House under Trump the 'House of Horrors'
2. Martha Raddatz of ABC News sounded emotional and appeared to cry over Trump's win on election night.
3. TYT (The Young Turks Online Program) Election Temper Tantrums.
4. Time named Donald Trump 'Person of the Year' on Dec 7, 2016.
Left: Mexico has just built the wall. ! Right: The liberals are busy building the wall.
Left: Donald (Octopus) Trump, feminist's night-mare. Where is morning-after pill when you need it?
Right: Orange Is the New Black
The Big Winner: Ann Coulter.
On summation of Trump's win, and in agreement with Peter Thiel, Ann Coulter says in the show: "The media refuse to take Donald Trump seriously, but they insist on taking him literally while everyone else listening to him, like me, is taking him seriously but not literally".
Watch Video of Ann Coulter on Trump's Victory (
During a speech at the National Press Club outlining his case for Trump, Peter Thiel was asked if he supported Trump’s most famous policy proposals: building a wall on the US/Mexico border and banning Muslim immigration to the US. Here was his response:
I don't support a religious test. I certainly don't support the specific language Trump has used in every instance. But I think one thing that should be distinguished here is that the media is always is taking Trump literally. It never takes him seriously but it always takes him literally. I think a lot of the voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously but not literally. So when they hear things like the Muslim comment or the wall comment, or things like that, the question is not are you going to build a wall like the Great Wall of China, or how exactly are you going to enforce these tests. What they hear is we're going to have a saner, more sensible immigration policy. We're going to try to figure out how do we strike the right balance between cost and benefits.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Baby Chelsea
Miley Cyrus
Barack Hussein Obama
Michelle Obama 2020
Oprah Winfrey
Whoopi Goldberg
Bryan Cranston & All Future Canadians
Stephen Colbert
Amy Schumer
Carrie Mathison (CIA & FBI)
Black Lives Matter
Tina Fey & Sarah Palin's Haters
Amy Poehler
Natalie Portman & Nearly All Hollywood Actresses
Tobey Maguire
Justin Long (LGBTQ supporters)
Andy Cohen (LGBTQ under attack)
Anderson Cooper (LGBTQ)
George Clooney
LeBron James
Democratic Party
Seth MacFarlane in Shock
Seth Meyers & Late-night Comedians
George Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
Alec Baldwin & All SNL Members
Vladimir Putin
1. Denial (This Is Not Happening!)
2. Anger (Damn you Comey!)
4. Depression (Justice Ginsburg is 83, Breyer 78)
5. Acceptance (Not in Katy's Lifetime)
Even the smart alec Jon Stewart can't answer these questions:
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
God Works in Mysterious Ways, Jon!
Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?
Answer: Electoral College.
Prediction: Jon Stewart 2020.
Mark Cuban 2020
'I was dumb enough to think I would be able to talk people out of voting for Donald Trump'
Mark Cuban is right and he may as well speak for all of those outspoken celebrities.
Mark Cuban also said at the end: 'They give President-elect Trump the satisfaction of watching those like me who campaigned vocally against him, bend over, and kiss his ring. Touche, '
Bruce Springsteen 2020
Left: 'The republic is under siege by a moran.'
I come from a boardwalk town where almost everything is tinged with a bit of fraud. So am I. By twenty, no race-car-driving rebel, I was a guitar player on the streets of Asbury Park and already a member in good standing amongst those who “lie” in service of the truth . . . artists, with a small “a.”
God is silent. Now if only man (especially the celebs) would shut up. ― Woody Allen
There are two types of people in this world, good (liberals) and bad (conservatives). The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more. ― Woody Allen
Make America Great Britain Again
Make America Great Britain Again
Make America white Again
Make America Hate Again
Make America Mexico Again
Make America Native Again
Make Congress Blue Again
Why did Donald Trump secretly not want to win the election?
Because now he’ll have to move into a smaller house in a black neighborhood.
Donald Trump is going to be the next president, but the real winner is Melania Trump.
Now she can call herself the First Lady instead of the Third Wife.
What is Donald Trump’s favorite nation?
How much is Donald Trump’s life insurance?
Just one Pence.
Donald Trump’s foreign policy:
If you mess with the USA, there’ll be hell toupee.
“Nearly 70 percent of Americans said a Trump presidency would make them 'anxious.' And 30 percent said a Trump presidency would make them 'Canadian.'”–Conan O'Brien
“At a Donald Trump rally the other night, a supporter shouted out the Nazi salute 'Sieg Heil!' Trump immediately responded, 'There is no place for that here – save it for my inauguration.'”—Conan O'Brien
Left: What On Earth Is Happening?
Right: What On Earth Is Happening?
Donald Trump said that he was running for president as a Republican. That's funny, because I thought he was running as a joke. --- Seth Meyer. The joke is on you, Seth !
(Note: The image is "Fake News" put out by the smart Liberals. Dumb Amy Schumer eats it up.)
Right: There is a big difference. The pot was illegal then.
Donald J. Trump, The Magic Dragon
Donald J. Trump, The Magic Dragon
The Republican presidential candidates and Democratic presidential nominee think they can defeat and destroy Donald Trump just by telling the truth about him. They use Trump's own words to reflect and thus disclose the dark, sinister, narcissistic, greedy, arrogant, bully, hypocritical, phony, deceitful, sexist, misogynous, sexual predatory, racist, bigoted, KKK, Nazi, psychopathic, criminal, violent, and dangerous sides of the man. Well, they all get burnt, badly, by the toxic words that come out of magic Trump's mouth.
What is going on?
There is a storyline in the "The Dance of Dragons", the ninth episode of the fifth season of HBO TV drama "Game of Thrones':
Shireen Baratheon (The king's young daughter): "Ser Byron Swann wanted to kill the dragon. He polished his shield for a week so that it was like a mirror. And he crouched behind it and crept forward, hoping the dragon would only see its own reflection."
Davos Seaworth (The king's right-hand man): "But the dragon only saw a dumb man holding a mirrored shield."
Shireen Baratheon: "And burnt him to a crisp."
Davos Seaworth: "Thus ending the dragon-slaying career of Ser Byron Swann."
- - - Davos and Shireen share a laugh.
(Ser Byron Swann was a knight burnt to death by a dragon in an ancient war that became known as the 'Dance of the Dragons'.)
Donald Trump is visiting an elementary school one day.
In one of the classes, they’re in the middle of a discussion about words and their meanings.
The teacher asks Trump if he’d like to lead the discussion of the word “tragedy.”
He agrees to do so and asks the class for an example of a tragedy.
One little boy stands up and says, “If my best friend who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a runaway tractor comes along and runs him over and kills him, that would be a tragedy.”
“No,” says Trump, “That would be an accident.”
Next a little girl raises her hand and says, “If a school bus carrying forty children went off a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.”
“No, I’m afraid not,” says Trump. “That’s what we would call a great loss.”
The room goes silent for a while as no other children volunteer.
Trump looks around the room and says a little testily, “Isn’t there anyone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?”
At last, a little boy at the back of the class raises his hand and says, “If a private jet carrying you, Mr Trump, was struck by a missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.”
“Fantastic!” shouts Mr Trump, “That’s exactly right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?”
“Well,” says the boy, “Because it sure as hell wouldn’t be a great loss and it probably wouldn’t be an accident either.”
Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school in Ithaca, New
York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers
question time.
One little boy puts up his hand, and the Senator asks
him what his name is.
"And what is your question, Kenneth?"
"I have three questions: First - whatever happened to
your medical health care plan? Second - why would you
run for President after your husband shamed the
office? And third - whatever happened to all those
things you took when you left the White House?"
Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary Clinton
informs the kiddies that they will continue after
When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we?
Oh, that's right question time. Who has a question?"
A different little boy puts his hand up; Hillary points
him out and asks him what his name is.
"And what is your question?"
"I have five questions: First - whatever happened to
your medical health care plan? Second - why would you
run for President after your husband shamed the
office? Third -whatever happened to all those things
you took when you left the White House? Fourth - why
did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And fifth -
what happened to Kenneth?"
Presidential Election - Hillary vs Trump
The Two-face vs The Joker, choose!
Two-Face Hillary vs Joker Trump
Two-Face Hillary, Batman, and Joker Trump
Left: Joker, Two-Face, and Batman in the movie "The Dark Knight"
Middle: Tommy Lee Jones vs. Aaron Eckhart as The Two-Face in the Batman movies
Right: Heath Ledger vs. Jack Nicholson as The Joker in the Batman movies
Note for those who are not familiar with American comics and movies about the superhero Batman:
Two-Face (Harvey Dent) is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as an adversary of the superhero Batman. (Reference: Wikipedia Two-Face)
The Joker is a fictional supervillain created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson who first appeared in the debut issue of the comic book Batman (April 25, 1940) published by DC Comics. (References: Wikipedia Joker (comics) and The Joker (The Dark Knight))
Q: If Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a boat and it capsizes. Who survives?
A: America.
The two faces of Hillary: Public and Private
Hillbilly: Bill-and-Hillary Clinton Hybrid
The two faces of Hillary
Left: How can you tell that Hillary is about to lie? Her lips begin to move.
Right: The Two Faces of 'Green' Hillary Clinton. According to Wikileaks, at the same time Hillary Clinton was wooing the support of radical greens, at a behind closed doors meeting with pro-energy unions, she was telling those same radical greens to “get a life”. (Source:
The many facial expresions of Donald Trump Donald Trump, the Joker
Russell Crowe (The enforcer): Maybe they’re both telling the true.
Ryan Gosling (Private detective): What do you mean they’re both telling the truth?
Crowe: I got a friend, right? Secret Service. Worked the Nixon detail. This was after they threw him out of office. Anyway, you know. Nixon’s driving around one day around San Clemente. Just him and a few agents. And they come across this car accident, right? There’s a guy pinned under a car. Anyway, Nixon gets out, runs over to check on the guy, you know, leans down, and Nixon says to him, “You’re gonna be Okay, son. You’re gonna be all right.” And right then the guy dies.
Gosling: I don’t get it.
Crowe: Think about it from that guy’s point of view, Okay? The guy who died. He’s jying there on the ground, staring up the sky, near death, and then former president, Richard Nixon, appears before him and tells him he’s gonna be fine. Now, did he think that’s normal, right, that before they die everybody sees Nixon?
Gosling: You’re expecting an angel and you get Nixon.
Crowe: Exactly. Right?
Gosling: Yeah.
Crowe: It’s the same situation, just a vastly different point of view.
Gosling: So there’s two ways to look at something.
Crowe: Yeah.
Gosling: That’s the point of the story?.
Crowe: Yeah.
Left: Does Nixon look like an angel to you?
Right: Good and decent Nixon, an angel. President Nixon, a crooked devil.
A knarled old elm looks uncannily like Donald Trump
Photographer Jon Rowley spotted tree in field in Glewstone, Hereford, UK. The ivy tree even contains Donald Trump's distinctive quiff and big mouth.
He said: 'Perhaps it's a warning about who could become president'.
Working on a weirwood tree from Game of Thrones by Hilary Kauder.
Hillary Clinton's Money Tree
Question: 60% of Americans think Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, dishonest, and many find her unlikable. What can she do to improve her image?
Answer: It's time to visit The Humane Society and adopt a transgender dog that looks like Katy Perry.
Better yet, a transgender dog that looks like Taylor Swift but roars like Katy Perry.
Liberals Worship transgenders, whose time has come. Here is the proof: Liberals Worship Caitlyn Jenner as Transgender “Goddess”.
James Woods “Insanity” Quote about Democrats' Transgender Issues.
Left: Monica's blessing --- Right: Hilarious Hillary.
GoTo The Humour of Liberal Democrates vs Consevative Republicans